GBS AUTO SDN BHD was establised in 1986, we have more than 30 years experience in lorry spare parts. Currently we are selling more than 7000 lorry spare parts for different kind of heavy vehicles such as lorry and trucks with our own manufactured hose. In order to match into current business trends, GBS esablished, which is an online store which is selling our variety of trucks spareparts to ease our customer and dealer to place order, as well as product catalogue. We strive to be one of the top and best trucks spareparts provider out there.
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ThermoEx Engineering Sdn. Bhd.
Moden Skylight Sdn Bhd
ThermoEx Engineering Sdn. Bhd.
Big Academy Sdn Bhd
Aeruma Group Sdn Bhd
Moden Skylight Sdn Bhd